19 Event Types That Dominated Our 19,153 Promotions In 2023

There are so many types of events to consider as an event organizer. Over the past year, we promoted over 19,153 events. These are the list of event types that got more drastically more clicks than the rest.
If you’re looking for new event ideas, this list would be a great place to start.
The best event types that we’ve found might seem inaccessible to most organizers, but our guide will show you how any organization can put on events like these.
We’ll share the list first, but you can click each one to be taken further down the page and learn more details about that event type.
A Quick Overview of Our Analysis
Our analysis covered a wide variety of event types across multiple industries, including music events, sports events, food and drink events, arts and culture events, charity and fundraising events, business and networking events, educational and training events, travel and tourism events.
We promote events to a few different public marketing channels and track the clicks that those listings earn from event-seekers.
We actually had more than 19,153 events submitted through eventvesta.com last year.
We’re only including the ones that were promoted to all our marketing channels and were submitted before the start date of the event. We lost a few recurring events through that filter, but with such a big dataset it needed to happen to make any use of it.
A caveat is that this list of event types is only relevant for public-facing events. The dataset doesn’t include invite-only events or niche industry conferences.
We then sorted by total number of tracked click throughs and fed the top 100 to ChatGPT-4 to help us analyze the types of events that recurred. Here’s the exact prompts we used if you’re curious:
These are the titles top performing events we promoted in 2023.
Group similar event types. You don’t have to give me the title of the events, I’m looking for an aggregate from the full list.For example, combine Beer Festivals together. Combine Sports Watch Parties together. Combine Music series together. Etc.
The list is in order of performance, so if you can rank the 24 categories based on which ones tended to be higher on the list in aggregate, that is what I’m looking for.
We then took that list and compared it to the raw data to make sure everything lined up. No changes were needed because ChatGPT-4 did a good job analyzing the event promotion data.